With a strong focus on on supplying the needs of recreational farmers, ranchers, and other small businesses, Victory Tractor Implements is engaged in the retail sales of its products that support the rural lifestyle through the etractorimplements.com website since 2015.
“We believe quality farming and land maintenance equipment should be affordable, which is why we cut out the middle man, and put the savings right back in your pocket.”
Victory Tractor Implements’ selection of products consists of product categories including Flail Mowers, Wood Chippers, Rotary Tillers, Backhoes and winter equipment such as Snow Plows and Snow Blowers geared towards agricultural and rural use.
All products are supported by an inhouse supply of spare parts, include delivery in the purchase price, and we typically provide for 2 years of warranty.
At Victory Tractor, we source all of our equipment directly from the manufacturer and pass the savings on to our customers. As always, the team is standing by to answer any questions to assist with your decision. Victory support can be reached directly at (562) 534-8182 or sales@etractorimplements.com